videos, releases and recordings

August 2023 - Cave improv with Panos Kanellopoulos on Mandolin. Greece.

2023 improv to Kusama’s Infinity Rooms with Damian Dorelli on Piano. Oxford, UK,

2023 - Daylight Music, London - Live improv with Hackoustic, to a story by Marie Philips, this is the first time we met…

2021 - improv in Greece with Panos Kanellopoulos on mandolin. Series “Beauty of imperfection”

2021 - improv in Greece with Panos Kanellopoulos on mandolin. Series “Beauty of imperfection”

mayhem on harp - playing on the new deltaC at the Dutch Harp Festival. Invented by Joris Beets, developed with Salvi Harps in Italy.

Joris Beets with Orchestra Elastique Live @ Servant Jazz Quarters, London, 3 March 2012

Improvised reflection on summer - an ode to its nightly beauty shared through music

musical bubble in the depth of the ‘20 lockdown winter, from the live streaming Red Velvet theatre

2021 - improv in Greece with Panos Kanellopoulos on mandolin. Series “Beauty of imperfection”

improvised dance music by Joris Beets & Wijbrand Luth _ Oct'19 Netherlands.

2020 - solo journeys through nature with harp

Joris Beets and improv collective OE + S.Lee live analogue visuals, London 2016

TRack & album releases


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